paleo database


The Database

The database has been created to synthesize existing data on the earliest bone toolkits in general, and those in which needles, lissoirs, awls, or other evidence of hide or textile work is present in particular.

My first goal is to create a list of sites with Mid to Upper Paleolithic and Mid to Late Stone Age worked bone assemblages. I will collect perfunctory data along the way, including the presence of needles or other such evidence and links to research.

Upon completion of this task, I will research each site containing this material more deeply, filling in data as I go. I will attempt to include: context of any relevant materials found; photographs; usewear and any other available data; dates; presence of other art; activity zones; and any other pertinent information. I will collect locational information, with the ultimate goal of creating a distribution map of sewing assemblages.

This data collection will result in an ever-changing database, I'm afraid, in which I will be forced to take out and add columns as the need presents itself. I'll do everything I can to keep it as simple and user-friendly as possible.

Citations will be METICULOUS. I promise. I will provide links to relevant studies and photographs where possible.

The database is separated into four worksheets.
  1. All sites: all sites included in the database
  2. Unknown: paleolithic sites with an unknown presence of worked bone artifacts
  3. No bone: paleolithic sites with NO worked bone artifacts
  4. Bone assemblages: paleolithic sites WITH worked bone artifacts 

Please Help!

I am very open to help, questions, comments, critiques, and suggestions. Please click the button below to navigate to the database. Anyone is free to use any data from this site for research purposes. Please credit this site in your work!


QUESTIONS? ask in the comments section below. 


3 ways you can help:

1. Enter missing site data

  • Choose a site from the Unknown worksheet;
  • Fill in the missing data;
  • Cut that entry from the Unknown worksheet and Paste it into the appropriate worksheet (No bone or Bone assemblages);
  • Highlight your entry in yellow.


2. Add missing sites

  • Check the All sites worksheet to determine if your site is present;
  • If it is not present, create a new row in the appropriate worksheet (No bone or Bone assemblages);
  • Enter the data; 
  • Add the site name and appropriate "x" mark in the All sites worksheet.
  • Highlight your entries in yellow.

3. Correct misinformation

  • Highlight any corrections you make in yellow.

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